viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

Letter of Motivation

Dear people of the cientific committee

In communicating in this way I am taking one of the most exciting yet most important risks of my life.

I decided to do something different and at the same time let you know of my blog. 

It started in 2008 as my  empirical way of  understanding the world through football. From the first entry my mirror and my board was the beautiful green field you can see on the right. There I played in the middle, hopefully like Cruyyf. Later on I coached  and did a master thinking about the importance of the state of mind in sports and life. Psychology helped me realized it but also tought me there  is plenty more to explore.

Five years later i am trembling with excitement  typing this words about life and football. My experience in applying for this job is something I will always remember. I had my yearly vacations these days and...   

On my vacation's first or second day, a few days ago, I read about this incredible opportunity that seems tailored for me. A dream Job. An adventure through knowledge and the planet. I knew I had to post something about it. A picture of hope in writing. I identify with the subject coming from a family of migrants, my player experienced, and having migrated myself in the past looking for better opportunities. Nonetheless  I  also see the subject from the outside, and I observe many things.  In 2009 I decided to come home and work in something that I love and is meaningful for society.  Trough football I learend about sport for development, and came accross knowing of this amazing field. The Global Sport project would help me take a huge step on my personal goals. I work for ¨Apuntate a jugar¨, a program  that came out of a research on how play and movement impact positively on child development.

This time is life again connected to football, ideals and ideas, brilliant ones, would like to share and understand, even in other lands, lower, higher, beautiful, modern, distant, differente lands.

My expertise is to live life as a game. Crazy looking Einstein  (whom my nephew Juan Simón on the picture with the Ecuadorian and LDU jerseys reminds me,of ) put it in such iluminating words: ¨Play is the highest form of research." I know a real motivation top play in life is knowledge, sharing, undertanding, enjoying, visiting places, emotions, people, the world in and around us.

As my country undergoes a knowledge revolution and develops the first city of knowledge, Yachay,  our government fully supports advance education and research, I envison myself coming back after the PHD and contribute to the scholar conversation in collaboration with Dutch and people from all over the world.

Me despido atentamente y con mucha esperanza,

Un abrazo de gol !! 
knuffelen la goed !!

Andrés Illescas

3 comentarios:

Jose Javier Avila dijo...

Excelente amigo, la mejor de la suerte en este gran trabajo que has realizado durante varios anos de esfuerzo.


Unknown dijo...

Felicitaciones por tu blog y esta aplicacion Andres. If there's anyone that can take on such challenge it's you. All your efforts and dedication will pay off. Good luck friend, I loved reading your blog.

(-.-) dijo...

Muchas muchas gracias .... me la jugué !